It was a conclusion we arrived at many years ago - lets see as much of this wonderful world of ours while still in good health and while we have the wherewithall to do it.  Our particular interests are Southern Africa and the UK, together with continental Europe.  Kathy has family and friends in Australasia so we thought we would also try to fit that in at some stage.

Our Southern African travels have been undertaken in 2 Toyota LandCruisers.  We started off with a 1997 Series 80 GX petrol which we had for about 2 years.  This was traded in for 'Ploddy', a 1999 Series 105 GX diesel which has taken us far and wide, there and back, without a single hitch or hiccup - an absolutely reliable and faithful truck in which we travelled into the most wild of wilderness areas.

While still employed our trips were generally fairly short, but since retirement the options have become that much greater. 

The travelogues compiled and pictures accumulated - all viewable via the links on this page - are intended not only for our own benefit in terms of reminiscing and reference works, but also for family and friends, enabling them to get some idea of what we have been up to when we slide off the social calendar and disappear for a few weeks.

Kathy has been a twitcher for a long time.  Her interest has led me to become more and more involved in birds of the feathered variety - and this has created an interest in bird photography,  For some of our better results see the link at the bottom of this page.